Wednesday, October 30, 2019

E-cigaretee Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

E-cigaretee - Research Paper Example The smoking cessation industry is led by the USA in terms of the market size, which is the followed by UK, Germany and then Russia. However, almost in all the developed countries and even in many other countries globally, the smoke cessation industry has been growing rapidly. While the most known method for helping in smoking cessation traditionally has been nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), new methods products are now rising, which targets the smoking cessation industry (Wikinvest, n.p.). The market is segmented into two broad categories of the cessation therapy consumer segment and the smoking cessation products/pills consumers segment. The therapy market segment consumer segment constitutes the consumers who are seeking the services of medical professionals to assist them in the cessation of their smoking habits, with such consumers having access to 17 different smoking cessation therapies, but one of the therapies, the nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), remains the most predominant therapy that many smokers are seeking (Wikinvest, n.p.). The smoking cessation products/pills consumers segment comprises of the consumer segment that is purchasing the products manufactured by the smoking cessation industry, such as the smoking cessation pills, which are widely applied towards helping the smokers quit their habits. The use of the smoking cessation pills is highly adopted in the UK markets, with the product generating  £720m in revenue in the year 2011 alone (Steele, n.p.). The smoking cessation industry is relatively small in size, considering that it is an industry that is relatively new in the market, and its products are yet to be known very well. However, the industry is poised to grow in the near future to a substantial market. While the current market share of the smoking cessation industry is estimated at between 3 and 4% of the overall, the growth rate of the industry is

Monday, October 28, 2019

Analysis of Modern Love by Douglas Dunn Essay Example for Free

Analysis of Modern Love by Douglas Dunn Essay What are the poet’s thoughts and feelings about love? In Modern Love, Dunn presents many ideas about the functioning of modern love, and they ways in which it differs from what he might perceive as traditional, or true love. He possibly discusses how modern love is superficial, and only a facade, as well as how modern love is interrupted by a variety of other commitments, but also how love is possibly the only escape from an otherwise dull and dreary life. Dunn initially talks about the superficiality of modern love by talking about how they are ‘enjoying minutes of rented silence’. The fact that it is a ‘rented silence’ suggests that it is only temporary, showing how modern love is not permanent. Furthermore, it could also suggest that to achieve these ‘minutes’, there has been a cost involved, whether monetary or purely symbolic. In addition, it says there is ‘not much to show for love’, further portray how this love is ineffectual, and that not much has been achieved by this love. The fact that they are ‘in a house that is not theirs’ further shows what length this couple has to go to to put up the facade of modern love. The juxtaposition of the word ‘love’ with ‘alone’ further displays the disconnection in the relationship of ‘modern love’. The powerful use of enjambment could be used to signify the constant progression of time t hroughout this poem, during which no ‘love’ is taking place. Furthermore, Dunn discusses how modern love is often interrupted by other commitments, namely, the family. Dunn writes how the ‘under-tens and invalids’ are finally asleep. The reference to what can be assumed to be the elderly as ‘invalids’ is somewhat derogatory, and this could be used to showcase the resentment shown towards them, as they may be responsible for the failures of modern love. In addition, the fact that they can only procure ‘minutes’ of ‘silence’ from this, shows how much these other commitments intrude into their love, and the fact that they prefer to ‘enjoy’ the ‘silence’ shows how hectic their involvement with their family can be. The reference to the family as ‘the upstairs people’, can possibly be used to suggest how this couple wants to distance themselves from the family, which can possibly suggest that the speaker yearns for a loving relationship, but this is not possib le. However, it can also be said that this love is their only solace from an otherwise dull and dreary lifestyle. The fact that they choose to ‘enjoy silence’ can be used to show that they simply value to spend time together; to get away from their hectic daily lives. The fact that it is said that their ‘lives flap’ is personification used to convey how there is a sense of disorganisedness or desperation in their lives, and Dunn goes on to write how ‘there is no hope of better happiness than this’, which goes to show that although modern love may be ineffectual and dull, it is the highlight of their lives. The fact that the poem is 14 lines long shows that it is written in the style of a sonnet, which could possibly suggest that there is some real love being represented here, and that the whole poem is not necessarily a criticism of modern love. Alternatively, however, this structure could have potentially been used sarcastically. Dunn also writes how ‘all other lives’ are ‘worn down to trees and sunlight’ and how they ‘look forward to a visit from the cat’, and this could be used to highlight how dull and uneventful their lives have become, and how ‘modern love’ is their only escape from this. Overall, although Dunn portrays Modern Love as somewhat of a facade, and superficial, as well as being constantly being interrupted by other commitments, he may also be trying to state how modern love is often the only solace couples have from their increasingly dull and dreary lives.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Ethical Issues Related to Fetal Tissue Research :: Ethics Religion Essays

Ethical Issues Related to Fetal Tissue Research The use of fetal tissue in biomedical research has been a hot topic for debate in social and political forums ever sense the landmark decision in the 1973 case of Roe vs. Wade (Beller & Weir 182). The decision of the Supreme Court to give women the right to abort a fetus without having a medical reason for doing so, sparked controversy which has affected any medical procedure or research dealing with fetuses (Bellar &Weir 182). Supporters of fetal tissue research believe it has too much potential to provide cures for many of the diseases and medical problems that plague today’s society for it to be halted. Opponents of this type of research believe it should be stopped because it is unethical to take the life of one human being in order to preserve the life of another. Until the ruling in Roe vs. Wade experiments involving fetal tissue were conducted without any scrutiny from the public sector (Maynard-Moody 13). The first documented procedure involving the transplant of fetal tissue was carried out by Italian researchers in 1928, doctors transplanted the pancreas of a fetus into a diabetes patient, the patient showed no signs of improvement (Maynard-Moody 11). Research involving fetal tissue didn’t become widespread until the 1960’s. In 1957, a non-habit-forming sleeping pill was released in Europe. The pill was widely used in Europe, but not approved in the United States. A few years after the release of the drug there was a sharp rise in the amount of European babies born with phocomelia or â€Å"seal limbs† this increase was traced back to the drug (Maynard-Moody 11). Shortly after this medical disaster, the United States government passed legislation that made pharmaceutical companies prove drugs were not harmful to unborn children before they could be prescribed for pregnant women. The need to test pharmaceuticals prompted an explosive growth in the amount of money and resources used for fetal tissue research (Maynard-Moody 13). During the late 60’s and early 70’s this research was viewed as a new and exciting field of medicine and many important medical advances were made. But after the ruling in Roe vs. Wade fetal tissue research was brought under the scrutiny of pro-life advocates, seeking to protect the rights of unborn children (Maynard-Moody 13).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Health and social care practice Essay

1.1 Outcome based care is about putting the customer at the center of the care service and not prescribing a one size fits all policy. Care should always be bespoke to the customer taking into account their needs and choices. Care should allow the customer to live a fulfilled life, help them identify and achieve the things they would like to do. Outcome based care requires careful planning with full involvement from the customer their relatives should they wish and other health care professionals if required. Teamwork and communication is essential to ensure continuous quality improvement, and process and outcome measurement. There are key benefits of outcome based care 1.2 there are positives and negatives to outcomes based practice. The positives could be that failing or poor areas of practice will be targeted on and outcomes will be measured and new improved ways implemented. For people using a service this would be beneficial to them as they will be provided with a holistic service, support and care. So this can be demonstrated that any individual using as service is being supported in all areas rather than only in certain areas. Negatives may be that there is too much focus on outcomes, goals and results which potentially could mean that the wishes and opinions of people using the service may not be taken into account as the focus may be on outcomes rather than the person. Making a system less person centred and more business focussed. 1.3 There’s a lot of legislation that refers to outcome based practice which have led to changes in health and social care. The Health and Social Care Act, Regulation of services by CQC, (also the new regulations in April 2015 Fundamental Standards. The Green Paper 2009 and the White Paper 2010 re a national assessment of health and social care incorporating joined up working with all professionals and information, advice being more readily  available which would illustrate what the outcomes were from an assessment, and what the advice was to ensure that the outcomes could be achieved and also what the plans were for the future. The Equality Act 2010 re making it illegal for anyone to discriminate which makes it easier for everyone to gain employment and access services. 1.4 Positive changes in individuals lives can come from proper assessments that highlight care needs and then services can be put in place so the individual can live a comfortable life a lot longer in their own home or they can be put in touch with outside services in the community that they can call upon for support to live an independent life such as day services or charity based service to assist with things like shopping etc the salvation army the red cross or age concern and they may also use the respite service in the future giving them a break or their carers a break. Outcome 2. Be able to lead practice that promotes social, emotional, cultural, spiritual and intellectual well-being. 2.1 Abraham Maslow (Maslow’s Hierarchy) maintained that basic physical needs are fundamental as without food, water, warmth, shelter and clothing people would not survive so before anything else in life people need these things to continue in life then achieve the other things as in safety, social, esteem and self-actualization. 2.2 When booking in the staff go through a check list and a Person centred plans are filled in on individuals so that all aspects of their needs are looked at and all the individual’s well-being is viewed from Physiological needs their diet requirements and preference heating control in rooms for suitable warmth situ of bed and bedding to aid restful sleep as much as possible, the security of the individual do they need pressure mat to reduce risk of falls are they likely to wonder or leave building and be at risk ,the social aspect communal areas where they can mix with others any activities taking place to stimulate them mentally and physically give them the sense of being part of a group belonging, to make the individual feel they are still useful and give them some self-esteem, worth and boost their  ego. 2.3 The person centred plans that are completed on each individual look at all aspects of care needs and try to use following. Support self-care promote independence encourage risk taking where assessment has been made clearly promote choice, dignity and respect recognise and promote individual cultural preferences promote equality and human rights. Policies reflect these things, staff are actively encouraged to promote self-care. Our safeguarding policies promote the 6 principles of safeguarding – empowerment, protection-prevention-proportionate response – partnership and accountability. Outcomes 3 Be able to lead practice that promotes individuals health. 3.1 On admission care staff fill in an admission check list and diet requirements asked and then a person centred plan filled in and this is covering diet, personal care needs, religious beliefs, past medical history, toileting needs and interests and hobbies making sure that all aspects of well-being are covered and health and healthy choices, staff also monitor and review a person’s needs as they deal with them on a one-to-one basis. 3.2 obtain information relevant to health and wellbeing in an assessment, using a questionnaire; physical measurements e.g. height, weight, consulting with people close to the individual family, carers other health professional. 3.3 contact doctor’s surgery, district nurses, dietitians and family or carer if any health concerns. 3.4 nutrition, first aid and safe guarding training is given to staff including domestics then they can be aware of the signs if an individual appears to be failing or a change in their wellbeing. Outcome 4. Be able to lead inclusive provisions that give individuals choice and control over the outcomes they want to achieve. 4.1 Take time to understand and know the person, their previous lives and past achievements, and support people to develop ‘life story books’ Treat people as equals, ensuring they remain in control of what happens to them. Empower people by making sure they have access to jargon-free information about services when they want or need it. Ensure that people are fully involved in any decision that affects their care, including personal decisions (such as what to eat, what to wear and what time to go to bed), and wider decisions about the service or establishment (such as menu planning or recruiting new staff). Don’t assume that people are not able to make decisions. Value the time spent supporting people with decision-making as much as the time spent doing other tasks. Provide opportunities for people to participate as fully as they can at all levels of the service, including the day-to-day running of the service. Ensure that staff have the necessary skills to include people with cognitive or communication difficulties in decision-making. For example, ‘full documentation of a person’s previous history, preferences and habits’ can be used by staff to support ‘choices consistent with the person’s character’. (Randers and Mattiasson, 2004).Identify areas where people’s independence is being undermined in the service and look for ways to redress the balance. Work to develop local advocacy services and raise awareness of them. Support people who wish to use direct payments or personal budgets. Encourage and support people to participate in the wider community. Involve people who use services in staff tra ining. 4.2 To make sure that the individuals have a healthy diet option and that there they are warm comfortable and there are as much social interaction and stimulation as the individual wants. 4.3 daily reports are written on service users and questionnaires are completed throughout their stay also a review is carried out on the person centered plans. 4.4 All staff have mandatory training which is monitored and reviewed to makes sure the appropriate training is given to all staff.4.5 There is already systems and processes in place on the person centered plans and this would not be in my job description to implement them. Outcomes 5 Be able to manage effective working partnerships with carers, families and significant others to achieve positive outcomes 5.1 If we work with careers and family members we can make sure that the individual has an as normal as possible support plan as at home with the added extra of company 24/7 and different activities and a varied diet. 5.2 On admission process the care staff who books in the individual completes most of the person centred plan and the write in the individuals personal file and verbally hand over to the next shift. 5.3 Management needs to always remain calm when dealing with conflict and dilemmas, plus never get personally involved. Mediating conflict and dilemmas is one of the starting points for management to help solve issues. There are times where caring can have a negative impact on the carers health and wellbeing, due to the anxiety and depression of the duties itself, that can cause carers to become tense and anxious, therefore causing issues with other workers. It is important to acknowledge and respond to the different circumstances and get the carer to address the issue and may even require extra time off to relax and become self-contained again. Also recognise the diversity of care relationships, with different cultures and other barriers that may add to different situations. As for addressing conflicts and dilemmas that arise between individuals, staff, families and significant others, it is important that one is understanding and sympathetic to the different situations and understand the history of the relationship and changes in the relationship due to the care role, including cultural considerations and the role of family member in decision making. It is important to help to negotiate outcomes to meet the needs of both parties Address all the important positive questions to help everyone understand the  outcomes, such as ‘describe your family routine’, ‘how do you manage looking after the recipient/’, ‘what do you find most difficult or tiring? Or are you sleep OK?’ Creating understanding and acknowledging ones needs and depravations over the need of the recipient can help solve issues. 5.4 The emphasis is upon empowerment, person centred planning, public protection and a well-trained and regulated workforce to deliver quality services. There are trends in legislation, policy and guidelines all reflect the same aim. To name a few, CODE OF PRACTICE, HUMAN RIGHTS ACT, DISABILITY DISCRIMINATION ACT 1995, DATA PROTECTION ACT, CARE STANDARDS ACT 2000, MENTAL HEALTH ACT, Covering; †¢ The need to achieve positive outcomes for people †¢ the need to safeguard and protect people for all forms of danger, harm and abuse †¢ employment practices for the provision and service †¢ data protection, recording and reporting †¢ making and dealing with comments and complaints to improve services †¢ Whistle blowing †¢ Health and Safety †¢ Equality and Diversity 5.5 The main piece of legislation is the Data Protection Act 1998. This covers the medical, social, credit information and the local authority. There are eight principles. The data must be: -fairly and lawfully processed -processed for intended purposes -adequate, relevant and not excessive -accurate -not kept for longer than necessary -processed in accordance with the data subject rights -kept secure -not transferred to countries without adequate protection.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Interpretations of the Reichstag Fire

i) Van der Lubbe was a madman, and he set fire to the Reichstag all by himself, but the Nazis genuinely believed the fire was the start of a Communist uprising. ii) The Reichstag Fire was started by the Nazis to give them an excuse to take emergency powers and lock up or kill the Communists. Van der Lubbe was used by the Nazis. Which interpretation is best supported by the evidence in these sources and your knowledge of the period? Explain your answer. It's difficult to incline the balance to any of both interpretations because both of them have evidence to backup them. Source A for instance, supports the first interpretation, it suggests that Lubbe acted a lone and Diels to backup his words tells that it would be easily set the fire because the old furniture, dry wood, and heavy curtains would made the fire spread rapidly, while Lubbe could be starting fires elsewhere in the building running through the long corridors. In the other hand Source I contradict directly the other source, because it says that a man who was handicapped both physically and mentally, without knowledge of the place and with the brief time given couldn't possibly set the fire on its own. As we can see both of the sources use well supported theories, however, Source I seems to be best well supported because despite the inflammable materials which were there, he was handicapped, didn't know the place and he didn't even have time, also, Source I its from an history book what suggest me that the theory would been well studied by historians to arrive that conclusion. In support of statement i) Source B shows Lubbe's confession which tells â€Å"I set fire to the Reichstag all by myself†, here we could say that Lubbe set the fire on his own, and due to his madness he could set the fire on his own for then boast about his â€Å"great job†. However there are too many reasons were he could be lying to take in favour this source, he could be protecting communists, or maybe under pressure by the own Nazis, or simply despite he was helped he would preferred to tell everyone he set the fire on himself to â€Å"show off†. In the other hand, we have other sources suggesting that the Nazis were implicated in the fire, Source E for example shows General Franz telling that on Hitler's birthday three years before, Goring said â€Å"The only one who really knows about the Reichstag building is I, for I set fire to it†, General Franz could have reasons to tell the truth because know he didn't have any kind of Nazi pressure on him and also he might had nothing to loose. Anyway, he also could be lying show the reliability here is very questionable, he could be telling that for saving himself, to revenge on him. However, it was at Hitler's birthday, so Goring could been easily drunk and say that in a joke (despite there was the possibility that the alcohol could make say what he shouldn't say). Goring in Source F describes of â€Å"ridiculous† the statement before, he could be telling the truth and said that in sense of a joke while he was drunk, which explains why he didn't remember nothing he said, so maybe the two are telling the truth – Halder could take too seriously what for Goring was a joke while he was drunk to make some fun on Hitler's birthday. However it Halder was telling the truth and Goring said that seriously its obvious that Goring would have defend himself as shown in Source F. Most likely Halder could misunderstand Goring's joke so the value of his evidence could hardly support the second statement. D and G are two of the less reliable Source shown here, they are both pieces of propaganda by blaming the enemy for the fire. The two of them were published in convenience of the party and both of them lack of evidence to backup them so we cannot consider them seriously. It appears that Source H the best well supported source contradicting the second statement though its took from an history book so the evidence on it is most likely to be true. It suggest that the Nazis didn't expected the fire at all because the measures taken after it couldn't be plan, most importantly the fact that the Nazi party had to use out-of-date lists to arrest the communists and that the Nazis had hoped to destroy the Communists after the election (however, this last statement is very subjective). Obviously, the Nazis would have made ample preparations if they planned the fire and this source shows they didn't, this possibly one of the bests pieces of evidence (if we assume the book is telling the truth) against the theory that the Nazis were behind the fire. In conclusion we can say that none of both interpretations is more supported by the sources than other because they almost balance equally with sources in favour or against. We have to say that some sources suggest that that Lubbe didn't acted alone which in the same way that suggests that could been helped by communists they could be also helped by the Nazis. The most important thing is the weight and reliability that each source have, and all of them have reasons to not be true. For my interpretation of the sources and my knowledge it would be more likely that the Nazis took part in the fire. The first statement isn't very well supported because despite the evidence in their favour (such the fact that the fire could be spread very rapidly due to the materials inside) Van der Lubbe couldn't make such a high damage and devastation as shown in source J, it's very hard to believe that all that damage could be done a person who hardly had any time (before being caught), who didn't have any knowledge of the place, and who had a severe sight problem and so mentally ones. The curious thing that makes you think is that the fire was made just one week before the elections, very possibly the Nazis could have planned the fire as an excuse to use the emergency powers, by blaming the Communists of an uprising and so crushing the opposition in favour for their elections. Because we got to remember that Hitler's greatest fear at that time was the Communism.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Complete Guide to Google Scholarships

The Complete Guide to Google Scholarships SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Google is one of the world’s software and technology powerhouses - it’s not surprising that they offer several scholarships for students interested in pursuing computer science and engineering. Because Google has the resources to offer very generous awards, applicants come up against serious competition when gunning for one of their scholarships. If you’re interested in a Google scholarship, you should be as prepared as possible if you want to submit a successful application. In this post I’ll explain every major Google award in detail before giving you tips and strategies for submitting an awesome application. Introduction Google offers six major scholarships for students who plan to pursue (or who are actively pursuing) an education and career in computer science, computer engineering, or a closely related field. Because Google is constantly seeking to employ people with these skills, it makes sense that they would encourage talented students to study CS. In an effort to encourage underrepresented groups to pursue CS and other technical fields, most of the Google scholarships are limited to certain populations. Here are the six major scholarships I’ll cover: The Generation Google Scholarship-Applicants must be African American, Hispanic, American Indian, Filipino/Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, Female, or a Person with a Disability. The Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship- Applicants must be female. The VenkatPanchapakesan Memorial Scholarship - Applicants must be students in India who have faced adversity. The Google Lime Scholarship for Students With Disabilities - Applicants must study in the US or Canada and have a visible or invisible disability. The Google Europe Scholarship for Students With Disabilities - Applicants must study in Europe and have a disability. The Google SVA Scholarship for Student Veterans - Applicants must be US veterans or currently serve in the US military. At the end of the article, you’ll find strategies for increasing your chances of winning a Google scholarship. 1. The Generation Google Scholarship The Generation Google Scholarshipis for high school seniors or current undergraduate/graduate students who are passionate about computer science and engineering, belong to a minority group within computer science, and plan on attending school in the US or Canada. Winners receive either $10,000 (US dollars) or $5,000 (Canadian dollars) depending on where they attend school. Money must be used for tuition or education-related expenses. Winners entering their first year of college or university are required to attend Google's Computer Science Summer Institute the summer before. All other winners will be invited to attend the Google Scholars' Retreat. Application components: General background info, resume, transcript, 1-2 letters of reference, 4-6 short essays. Deadline: This year’s deadline (March 3, 2016) has already passed. Next year’s application will open this fall - the deadline should be in early March 2017. Eligibility Criteria There are different requirements depending on whether the applicant is a current high school student OR a current undergraduate/graduate student. Requirements for High School Students Applicants must: Be current high school seniors. Intend to enroll in, or be accepted, as a full-time student at a university in the US or Canada for the 2016-2017 school year. Intend to pursue a computer science or computer engineering degree, or a degree in a closely related technical field. Exemplify leadership and demonstrate a passion for computer science and technology. Be a student from an underrepresented group in computer science: African American, Hispanic, American Indian, Filipino/Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, female, or a person with a disability. Be available to attend Google’s Computer Science Summer Initiative (CSSI). Requirements for Current University Students Applicants must: Be currently enrolled as an undergraduate or graduate student for the 2015-2016 academic year. Intend to be enrolled or accepted as a full-time student at a university in the US or Canada for the 2016-2017 school year. Be pursuing a computer science or computer engineering degree, or a degree in a closely related technical field. Exemplify leadership and demonstrate a passion for computer science and technology. Exhibit a strong record of academic achievement. Be a student from an underrepresented group in computer science: African American, Hispanic, American Indian, Filipino/Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, female, or a person with a disability. Application Again, the application process differs based on whether the applicant is a high school student or a university student. Application Process for High School Students The online application includes: General background information (includes contact info and information about your current and intended institutions) Current resume Academic transcript One letter of reference from a STEM instructor Responses to six short answer questions Application Process for Current University Students The online application includes: General background information (includes contact info and information about your current and intended institutions) Current resume Academic transcripts from your current and prior institutions (if you have earned a prior degree) Two letters of reference from a professor, instructor, adviser, or supervisor Responses to four essay questions 2. The Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship Anita Borg Memorial Scholarships are offered around the world, but for the purposes of this article I’ll be focusing only on the US Anita Borg Scholarships. The US Anita Borg Memorial Scholarships are for female undergraduate and graduate students who are studying computer science or similar technical fields. Scholarship winners receive $10,000 each and will be invited to attend the annual Google Scholars’ Retreat in Mountain View, CA. Different numbers of winners are chosen every year, but it seems the scholarship usually selects 20-30 recipients. Application components: General background info, resume/CV, academic transcripts, two letters of reference, four essay questions. Deadline: Applications are currently closed. The next scholarship cycle (2017) will open in the fall of 2016. Women are underrepresented in CS and related fields - Anita Borg Scholarships hopefully work to remedy this. Eligibility Criteria Applicants must: Be a female student currently enrolled as an undergraduate or graduate student at a university for the 2015-2016 academic year. Intend to be enrolled in or accepted as a full-time undergraduate or graduate student at a university in the United States for the 2016-2017 academic year. Major in computer science, computer engineering, or a closely related technical field. Maintain a strong academic record. Exemplify leadership and demonstrate passion for increasing the involvement of women in computer science. This award is open to US citizens, permanent residents, and international students. You can apply for this scholarship even if you’ve won before. If you're not in the US, you may be eligible for a scholarship in another region. Anita Borg Scholarships are offered in Africa, Asia Pacific, Canada, China, Europe, Middle East, and the US. Scholarship conditions vary by region. Application Students submit an online application which includes: General background info (contact info, information about your current and intended institutions) Resume Academic transcripts from your current and prior institutions (if you’ve earned a prior degree) Two letters of reference from a professor, instructor, adviser, or supervisor Responses to four essay questions Special Notes This scholarship seems very competitive based on the US colleges and universities that winners attend - many of them are top-rated schools. You can read more about the winners and their academic and professional careers. As this is a memorial scholarship, it’s important to learn as much as possible about the award’s inspiration: Dr. Anita Borg. 3. The Google Venkat Panchapakesan Memorial Scholarship The Venkat Panchapakensan Memorial Scholarship is for college and university students in India who are passionate about computer science and/or engineering. Winners receive $750 (US dollars) for tuition and education expenses plus a visit to the YouTube headquarters in San Bruno, CA. Selected students will also have an opportunity to submit a proposal for funding ($250) to spend on growing computer science in the local community. Application components: Two short essays, one short video, resume/CV, two letters of recommendation. Deadline: This year’s deadline (March 31, 2016) has already passed. Next year’s scholarship deadline (2017) should be around the same time. Eligibility Criteria Applicants must be: Currently enrolled as an undergraduate/graduate student at a college or university in India (for both the 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 academic years). Currently pursuing a degree in computer science, computer engineering, or a closely related technical field. Students with compelling applications will also fit the following criteria: Aspire to be computer scientists and technology leaders. Exemplify leadership skills and a demonstrated passion for community science and technology. Assist those around them to excel in the field of computer science and technology. Help their friends and family use computer science and technology. Leverage the field of computer science to transform systems (from building the next game-changing technology, to even helping families be happy, etc.) Have faced adversity and overcome it to continue learning and growing in the field of computer science. This scholarship strongly emphasizes ties to the community. Application Process 1. Write an essay (300 words max) explaining: How do you plan to use CS to make the world a more sustainable place? If you receive the scholarship, how will you use it to advance your passion and the goals of this scholarship? 2. Write an essay (250 words max) explaining adversity that you’ve faced and how it’s impacted your career. Explain the steps you took to overcome it. 3. Submit a video (1 min max) telling the scholarship committee why you want to receive this award. Upload it to YouTubeand share the link in your application. 4. Submit your resume/CV. Include your experience in the area of computer science, as well as your leadership experience and the impact you’ve created. 5. Submit two letters of recommendation. They can be from faculty or from supervisors at your work (like an internship, part-time, or full-time job). Special Notes As this is a memorial scholarship, it's important to learn as much as possible about the award's inspiration. VenkatPanchapakesan was a"much loved and highly respected engineer" who worked at companies such as YouTube, Google, and Yahoo. He passed away at a young age after a battle with cancer. Here's what the scholarship description has to say about Venkat: "During his short time he deeply touched the hearts and minds of his friends, family and colleagues. He taught us to be generous, humble, ever-optimistic and to always find the best in people." 4. The Google Lime Scholarship for Students With Disabilities The Google Lime Scholarship for Students With Disabilitiesis for college and university students in the US and Canada who both (1) study computer science or a related field and (2) have a visible or invisible disability. Winners receive either $10,000 (US dollars) or $5,000 (Canadian dollars) depending on where they attend school. Money must be used for tuition or education-related expenses. Application components: General background info, transcripts, resume/CV, two letters of reference, three essays. Deadline: The application is currently closed - the most recent deadline was December 6, 2016. The new application will launch in the fall. Eligibility Criteria Applicants must: Have, or consider themselves to have, a visible or invisible disability. Be currently enrolled as an undergraduate or graduate student at a university for the 2015-2016 academic year. Plan to enroll as a full-time student at a university in the US or Canada for the 2016-2017 academic year. Maintain a strong academic performance. Be pursuing a degree in computer science, computer engineering, or a degree in a closely related technical field. Exemplify leadership and demonstrate a passion for computer science and technology. Application Submit an online application which includes: General background information (e.g. contact information, details about your current and intended universities) Resume/CV Academic transcripts from current and prior institutions (if you have earned a prior degree) Two letters of reference from a professor, instructor, adviser, or supervisor Responses to three essay questions 5. The Google Europe Scholarship for Students With Disabilities The Google Europe Scholarship for Students With Disabilities is for college/university students in Europe who both (1) study computer science or a closely related field, and (2) have a disability. Winners receive a â‚ ¬7,000 scholarship. About 10 recipients are chosen every year. Application components: General background info, resume/CV, academic transcripts, one letter of reference, essay questions (number currently unknown). Deadline: The scholarship is currently closed, but will re-open in the fall. There aren't many geographic limitations within Europe for this scholarship, which makes it pretty flexible. Eligibility Criteria Applicants must: Be currently enrolled at a university in Europe for the 2015-2016 academic year. Intend to be enrolled or accepted as a full-time student at a Bachelor’s, Master’s or PhD program at a university in Europe for the 2016-2017 academic year. Be studying computer science, computer engineering, informatics, or a closely related technical field. Exemplify leadership and a passion for computer science and technology. Have a disability (defined as a long-term or recurring issue that impacts one or more major activities that others may consider a daily function). Application Students complete an online application which includes: General background info (contact info, details about your current and intended institutions) Resume/CV Academic transcripts from your current and prior institutions (if you’ve earned a prior degree) One reference letter from a professor, instructor, adviser, or supervisor Responses to essay questions (number and length undisclosed) Special Notes Although there isn’t much info available about the number or types of essay questions required, the FAQ section suggests that at least one of the prompts will ask students to write a technical essay. If asked to write a technical essay, your piece should include the following: A brief overview of the problem Your approach to the key technical challenges How you solved the problem Impact/conclusions If you’d like more info, check out this example of a technical essay written for this scholarship. It looks like there are about 10 winners chosen for this scholarship every year. Winners are students at universities all over Europe. 6. The Google SVA Scholarship for Student Veterans The Google SVA Scholarship for Student Veterans is for college and university students in the US who both (1) study computer science or a closely related field and (2) are student veterans or are on Active Duty Eight scholarship winners receive $10,000 each. Application components: General background info, resume/CV, academic transcripts, two letter of reference, proof of veteran status, three essay questions. Deadline: The scholarship is currently closed, but will re-open in the fall. Last year’s scholarship deadline was November 2. Eligibility Criteria Applicants must: Be currently enrolled as an undergraduate or graduate student at a university for the 2015-2016 academic year. Intend to be enrolled in or accepted as a full-time student at a university in the US for the 2016-2017 academic year. Maintain a strong academic performance. Be pursuing a computer science or computer engineering degree, or a degree in a closely related technical field. Exemplify leadership and demonstrate a passion for computer science and technology. Be a current student veteran (includes members of the National Guard or Reserve) as proven by a DD-214 and transcript, or a student on Active Duty as proven by submission of Active Duty orders and a Memorandum of Understanding from your commanding officer indicating that you are currently in good standing with your unit and transcript. Have received an honorable discharge, or be in good standing with his/her branch of service. Application Applicants must submit an online app which includes: General background info (contact info, details on your current and intended institutions) Resume/CV Academic transcripts from your current and prior institution (if you’ve received a prior degree) DD Form 214 Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty (DD-214), or Active Duty orders and a Memorandum of Understanding from your commanding officer indicating that you are currently in good standing with your unit Two letters of reference from a professor, instructor, adviser, or supervisor Responses to three essay questions (300-500 words each) Unfortunately, the exact prompts for the next scholarship cycle haven't been released.Chances are, however, that they will be similarto essay prompts used in past years. Essay prompts from last year’s application include: What sparked your interest in computer science? How did this lead you to major in computer science and what do you hope to accomplish with your degree? In your answer, please describe how your experiences have influenced the goals you have for yourself. Please give us 1-2 examples of how you have exhibited leadership. Explain how you were influential, what you were trying to achieve, and the impact you had as a result. These need not be demonstrated through formal or traditional leadership roles. Think broadly and examine the many ways you are having an effect on the members of your technical community, your university, or your broader community. Please describe the most significant computer science project or research you have worked on, how you approached key technical challenges, and what you gained from the experience. It might have been a class assignment, a research project, or other work or volunteer experience. If the project was team-based, specify your individual role and contributions in the project. How to Win a Google Scholarship Most of the awards listed are for current undergraduate or graduate students, so you may not be quite ready to apply for a Google scholarship. This is a good thing - the longer you have to prepare for your scholarship application, the better your chances of success. Here, I’ll cover both long-term strategies (for students who are in high school/early college) and short-term tips (for students who want to submit an app during the next scholarship cycle). If you're trying to win any of the competitive Google scholarships, you've got to start thinking strategically pretty early on. Long-Term Strategies You might still have a while before you put scholarship applications together, but that doesn't mean you can't start preparing. These long-term strategies will help you strengthen not just your Google scholarship application, but your college apps as well. Demonstrate Academic Excellence There aren’t any hard GPA cutoffs when it comes to qualifying for these awards, but with the intense competition for Google scholarships, you’ll need impressive grades in order to stand out as an applicant. Some of the scholarships listed above have public lists of scholarship winners which also list the students' college and university. Many of the schools (at least the ones located in the US) are very competitive with acceptance rates as low as 5-15%. This gives you an idea of the sort of student you'll be competing with for these awards Not all scholarship recipients ended up at ultra-competitive schools, but your chances of winning an award will be higher if your grades are comparable to those of the most high-achieving students. I expect you'll need to have a truly excellent GPA - top 10% in your class, or even top 5% - in order to have a good shot. Read more about what’s considered a good GPAand why. Demonstrate Leadership Skills Many scholarship programs - including Google’s - want to invest in future leaders in their fields. It’s important that you show a history of leadership experience in order to meet this criterion. You can do this by: Actively participating in class or at work Volunteering to lead or take on projects Joining clubs or extracurriculars (especially related to CS) that ignite your passions and interests Starting your own club or organization Working your way up the ladder (e.g. getting a promotion) at a job or internship Develop Relationships With Educators, Mentors, and Advisers All of the scholarships listed above require applicants to submit lettersof reference. It'll be easier to seek out letter-writers - and the letters themselves will be more effective - if you've cultivated relationships with several instructors, mentors, and/or authority figures. Seeking out these types of relationships is also helpful for another reason: it's important to have experienced people around you to guide you on your academic and career path. If you have respect for a particular class or job or extracurricular activity, your teacher or mentor will come to respect you - that’s step #1. To work on further developing these relationships, you can: Go to office hours to ask for extra help on tricky problems or concepts Actively participate in class and work meetings Go to your professors or supervisors with questions that may be outside the scope of your regular curriculum or job; this demonstrates intellectual curiosity Commit to Computer Science and Technology The large scholarships that Google gives out are serious, long-term investments in both the futures of student recipients and the future of computer science and technology.As such, Google wants to make sure that the awards go to those who are going to stayinthese fields. The longer you’ve been seeking out an education in CS and the more projects or learning experiences you’ve taken on, the more serious and invested you’ll seem to application evaluators. Here are a few ways you can demonstrate a commitment to CS: Start taking any and all available courses in high school Work on programming projects with a mentor in your free time Participate in CS clubs and/or competitions Choose to major in CS or a closely related field (this is a requirement for Google scholarships) Short-Term Tips Even if you haven't been planning long-term to optimize your Google scholarship applications, there are a ton of things you can do to boost your chances. Follow these tips to submit a complete, polished, thoughtful application. Not much time? You can still work to submit a winning application - you just have to be smart about it. Plan Ahead (as Much as Possible) You can't exactly throw a complete Google scholarship application together in one afternoon. For one thing, you'll have to write several essays and/or short answer questions; for another, you'll have to get thoughtful letters of reference from teachers or advisers. These things take time to do well. I'd encourage you to start putting your application together about 12 weeks before the due date. This timeline is important for a couple of key reasons. First, you'll need time to draft your essays, ask a trusted mentor to review them, and then polish and write up final versions. Second, it's courteous to give letter-writers plenty of time to come up with references - ask them if they'd be willing to write for you at the beginning of this 12-week window (or even earlier). Invest in Your Essays Your essays are the one part of your application where the scholarship committee gets true insight into who you are as an individual - they won't ever meet you in person, and while reference letters are helpful, they're still second-hand accounts. As such, you want to make sure your essays are confident, strong, and polished. Here are some tips for making your essays the best they can be: Answer every part of the prompt. This is especially important for any technical essays. Elaborate -don’t just provide a list in response to a question. Evaluators want to see that you’re thoughtful. Yes/no answers will not cut it. Make your goals and passions clear. It is very important to application evaluators that students are invested in, and passionate about, computer science and technology. There are many students that study CS - why should you get the scholarship? What do you care about that makes you special? If you have an opportunity to do so, explain why you started studying CS, why you want this scholarship, and how this scholarship will helpyou (for example, maybe you hope to directly help others or advance technological progress). Craft a narrative. You want your essays (if you are required to write more than one) to work together in crafting a cohesive story about who you are and what you care about. Think critically about two or three important points that you want evaluators to knowabout you - all of your essays should serve to communicate these points. Don’t be afraid to brag (to an extent). Bring up any honors, awards, or accolades if they’re directly related to CS. It’s helpful to make a list beforehand of all of your achievements (this is also helpful if you need to update your CV or resume). Demonstrate humility. As accomplished as you may be, it’s off-putting to come across as arrogant about what you’ve achieved. Don’t be afraid to (partially) attribute your successes to the guidance, mentorship, and support of others. Stay positive. This is especially pertinent when it comes to essays asking you about hardships or adversities. It’s helpful to speak about these issues with a frank, honest tone - just make sure to express positivity about the future. Choose Your Reference Writers Wisely It's of course important to scholarship evaluators to gain insight into your own motivations and perspective, but it's just as important for them to understand how others view you. As such, it's important that you think strategically about who you ask to write your letters of reference. Ideal letter-writers will have detailed,glowing anecdotes showcasing your character,your work (hopefully in CS), and your personal relationships with others. Letter-writers can be especially effectiveif they know you in multiple contexts(e.g. they serve as a mentor but also as a professor or boss). Read more about what makes for a great letter of recommendation. Summary Google offers six major scholarships for students all around the world, but only students who are studying (or plan to study) computer science or a closely related field will qualify. The six scholarship programs are: The Generation Google Scholarship The Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship The VenkatPanchapakesan Memorial Scholarship The Google Lime Scholarship for Students With Disabilities The Google Europe Scholarship for Students With Disabilities The Google SVA Scholarship for Student Veterans As the awards are fairly generous, applicants will come up against serious competition. In order to optimize your chances of winning one of these awards, it's important that students strategize inboth the short and long term. What's Next? Google scholarships aren't the only generous, competitive awards out there. If you're interested in going after some serious scholarship prizes, we have the information you need to help you win. Check out our guides to the Gates Millennium Scholarship, the Coca Cola Scholarship, and the Ronald McDonald House Charities Scholarships. If you want to hedge your bets by applying to smaller awards (which you definitely should), local scholarships are the way to go. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Monday, October 21, 2019

Phrasal Verbs About Speaking for ESL Learners

Phrasal Verbs About Speaking for ESL Learners This phrasal verb feature focuses on phrasal verbs we use when talking about speaking and conversation. Obviously, using tell or say or speak, etc. is absolutely correct when relating conversations. However, if you want to stress HOW the person said something, phrasal verbs come in handy (idiombe useful). Phrasal Verbs About Speaking Negative Speaking go on: to continue to talk about a subject after the interest of the listener has been exhausted.harp on :Â  inf. to repeatedly talk about a certain subjectramble on: to talk for a long time about something which is not very interesting to the other people in the conversationrabbit on (British):Â  as aboverun on (American):Â  as above Speaking Quickly rattle off: to say a list or impressive number of facts very quicklyreel off inf.:Â  as abovewhip off inf. (American):Â  as above Interrupting butt in: to rudely enter another conversationchip in: to add a specific point to a conversation Speaking suddenly blurt out: to say something suddenly, usually without thinkingcome out with: to say something suddenly Contributing come up with: to add a new idea to a conversationto go along with: to agree with someone else Not Speaking shut up: to stop talking, often used as an imperative (very rude)break off: suddenly stop speakingclam up: to refuse to speak or become silent during a conversationdry up: run out of ideas of interesting comments, finish speaking because you dont know what to say next or have forgotten what you would like to say Speaking Rudely talk at: to talk to someone without listening to what they have to saytalk down to: to verbally treat someone in an inferior mannergo off: to speak angrily about somethingput down: to criticize someone or something Sample Paragraph WithPhrasal Verbs Last week I went to visit my friend Fred. Fred is a great guy but at times he can really go on about things. We were speaking about some of our friends and he came out with this incredible story about Jane. It seems she had butted in while he was harping on his favorite complaint: Service in restaurants. Apparently, he had been running on for quite a while putting down almost every restaurant he had been to by rattling off a list of his visits to different restaurants in town. I guess Jane felt that he was talking at her and was fed up with it. She went off about what a rude person he was which shut him up pretty quickly! I thought about blurting out that maybe she was right, but decided to clam up in order to not upset him.As you can see by using these phrasal verbs the reader gets a much better idea of the dynamics of the conversation. If the above story was reported by saying she told him, he said etc., it would be pretty boring indeed. In this way, the reader gets a real sense of the personalities of the speakers.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Hand Gestures Around the World and Their Meanings

Hand Gestures Around the World and Their Meanings If you’re looking to travel abroad, it can seem stressful dealing with the language barrier between you and the locals. Learning a new language is not an easy thing to do especially if you don’t have a lot of time to spare. So rather than cramming a bunch of phrases last minute, why not learn how to communicate without saying a single word? The infographic below presents hand gestures around the world and their meanings. All you have to do is master  a few simple hand gestures and identify the one pertaining to the country you’re visiting and you’ll be able to communicate effectively without cramming a ton of phrases last minute.  Source:[BusinessInsider]

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Writing paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Writing paper - Essay Example thing seems to be rippled, and only a few look concerned about the American problems, as everybody assumes that things are headed in the right direction. The scope of this essay is therefore based on the common problems that are likely to end the American dream, of which income inequality is the biggest problem of all the American problems. Many people have been of the opinion that racism is the biggest problem facing America. The bold prediction has been that the rising income inequality will be the most crucial political battleground for the next few decades (Cal et al). Surprisingly, most of the American problems have resulted from income inequality and this problem has been there for so long. Economists have assumed the income inequality problem for so long despite its consequences. The gap between the rich and the poor has been increasing on a daily basis. The rich are spending more simply because they have more cash to spend. Their spending has been shifting the frame of reference that shapes the life of those who are in lower economic class, travelling in overlapping social circles. The middle class also spends more, shifting the reference frame for the group just below it, and the income ladder continues this way up to those living below the poverty line. Such cascades have made it more expensive for middle inc ome earners to achieve basic financial goals. Taking a look at figures such as the income that accrue to the top 1% increased from 9% in 1977 to 20% in 2012. The richest 0.1% used to control 7% of wealth in 1980 and 22% of the wealth in 2013. Meanwhile, many people have been of the opinion that the only way of reducing this income inequality would be through increasing taxes on income and wealth. Unfortunately, the rich will not allow this to happen. Income inequality has caused a snowballing effect on the distribution of income, as there is a high rate of saving top incomes. As a result, wealth has been concentrating at the top. The rising income

Friday, October 18, 2019

MANAGING CHANGE. Work, Society and Organizations Assignment

MANAGING CHANGE. Work, Society and Organizations - Assignment Example Managing both change and resistance to change has gained significant importance in academics of management in recent years. Change is perceived to be a perfect way of reaction to external threats in volatile environments or as a proactive measure to seize growing business opportunities (Thompson, 1993, p. 697). This piece of paper addresses the theoretical perspectives of ‘change’, ‘managing change’ and managing ‘resistance to change’. This paper gives insight in to how managing change is influenced by individual as well as team motivation and organizational culture and structure. With help of reflect on Ford’s change management process, this paper elaborates real life experience of change and managing change. Managing Change Change is a very powerful strategy, a technique and an opportunity that an organization can achieve its goals by managing it effectively. Change is an opportunity since organizations can try some new ways or methods to carry out organizational activities and management functions and achieve organizational competence. Change is an informed and participative process resulting in newer methods of carrying out business to lead the business or other types of organizations in to success (Jacobs, 1997, p.22). ‘Strategic Change’ has become an increasingly important term in management studies. Strategic change refers to a process by which the present state of strategies will be transformed to compete with counter players in the market and with differentiated functioning so as to attain greater adaptability and viability in the current business contexts. There are basically three types of changes; reengineering, restructuring and innovation (Sekhar, 2009, p. 76). According to the strategic change theory of Peters and Waterman, an organization’s ability to change is the basic key to its excellence. Excellent organizations are those that continually foster on innovation, maintain better pace to quick actions and conduct on-going experimentations (Dobson, et al, 2004, p. 122). Change management involves process, people and managerial technique and incorporates a number of managerial functions like direction, planning, coordinating, organizing and controlling (Palmer, Dunford and Akin, 2009, p. 24). Change doesn’t occur automatically, but it requires managerial action and strategic activities with resources such as people, process, technology and managerial functions as well. Change management is a careful attempt from management to bring a change in any of its functional areas such as HRM, financing, marketing, manufacturing and so on. It is an effort to change the way the business has been carried out. Change management includes a set of concepts, principles, strategies, tools and techniques that are applied to human aspects in order to implementing a change within the organization (Rothwell, Sullivan and McLean, 2005, p. 17). Change management is a multi-d isciplinary action in which the management team who are responsible to execute the change are to possess certain skills, talents, supports, experiences and knowledge so as to influence others to get them involved in the change process. Paton, Paton and McCalman (2008, p. 40) emphasized that the management team being responsible to implement change is expected to possess following skills and abilities: Better communication

History and the law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

History and the law - Essay Example In America, the history of exceptional began right after the World War II. A group of parents came together to organize advocacy groups. American Association of Mental Deficiency was the first special education group that the advocacy groups started. The organization held its initial convention in 1947. In 1950, the Civil Rights Movement fueled the formation of several parent organizations. The parent organization included the Muscular Dystrophy Association, the United Cerebral Palsy Association, and J.F Kennedy’s Panel on mental Retardation (Kempe, 2002). The year 1960 saw the increasing of special education facilities. Children with special needs could access many schools at the local and state levels. The history of special education evokes a feeling that there exists a need for the education of children with special needs. Everyone is equal and deserves equal opportunities. The introduction of the special schools help students and the entire community realize the rights and needs of the special children (Chapman, 2012). IDEA act refers to a law which ensures that children with disabilities receive services in the entire nation. IDEA law governs how the public agencies and state provide special education, early intervention, and related services provide services to 6.5 million toddlers, infants, youth, and children with disabilities. Toddlers and infants with disabilities, age 2, and their families receive IDEA intervention services. This intervention services are under Part C of the IDEA (Chapman, 2012). The children and youth of ages between 2 and 21 receive IDEA intervention services, which are under Part B of the IDEA. There are six principles under IDEA. The zero reject, protection in evaluation, free public education, restrictive environment, parent participation and procedural safeguards. The requirements of the principle of zero reject helps in locating, identifying, and providing services

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Failure of Macroeconomic Policy and Decade Long Stagnation Case Study

Failure of Macroeconomic Policy and Decade Long Stagnation - Case Study Example Since 1990 Japan has experienced over a decade of slow growth in real economic activity. Between 1990 and 2000 per capita output raised at an annual rate of 0.68 percent, per capita investment dropped at the rate of 1.4 percent per annum and weekly hours per adult worker declined by 1.18 percent per annum. This period has come to be referred to as "the lost decade." During the same period the inflation rate, as measured by the growth rate of the GDP deflator, fell from 2.3 percent to -1.8 percent and the nominal interest rate fell from 7.4 percent to 0.1 percent. Japan's current experience of sluggish growth coupled by deflation and zero nominal interest rates raises questions about the role of monetary policy in times of deflation. Should monetary policy take actions to avoid the zero nominal interest rate bound and if so, what policies can avoid it and/or ameliorate its negative ejects? This paper deals with a model that accounts for the real and nominal facts from the 1990s and makes use of this model to answer the two questions posed above. We consider an expensive price adjustment model along the lines of Rotemberg (1996) and expand it to allow for capital accumulation. In this economy, monopolistically competitive firms face convex costs of adjusting prices. Households own the capital stock and are subject to convex costs of adjustment. ... Solving for the equilibrium is complicated by the likelihood of a zero nominal interest rate limitation. An algorithm for computing perfect foresight equilibria is developed in situations where the nominal interest rate is zero over some period of time. The model is then solved and replicated using a parameterization that is standardized to Japanese data. An impulse response analysis is used to answer the first question. We find that the dynamic response of the economy to shocks in technology and government purchases is very di.erent depending on whether the zero nominal interest rate constraint binds. When the constraint is not binding output and investment rise in response to improvements in technology under the interest rate targeting rule we mull over. Nevertheless, when the constraint binds, monetary policy cannot respond and output and investment all drop in response to positive technology shocks. A binding constraint also exacerbates the contractionary e.ects of negative government purchase shocks on these same variables. Overview of the Study First, I will analyze what is extent of stagnation and what are its evidences and proofs from economic conditions of the country. Besides this, what went wrong in demand side Second, I will examine the components of GDP which have been stagnant with reference to relevant theories. Third, I will explore the weaknesses of supply side and its relevant issue will be discussed. Background of the study From the beginning of the 1950s to the early 1970s, the Japanese economy experienced dramatic growth. Several institutional structures sustained this rapid growth. First, the stable

Space (Digital) and Place (Physical) Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Space (Digital) and Place (Physical) - Coursework Example In the older days companies tried to market themselves and used several medium that range from radio, personal selling, and direct mail among others (Kurtz, 2008). In the new economy, companies must adopt strategies that are advantageous. This makes digital presence important for each and every organization. Digital presence is seen as the application of the digital platform by an organization in its business strategy (Mullins & Walker, 2010). The digital platform involves the use of web based applications in the delivery of goods and services. The internet and the World Wide Web have been used extensively by companies as mediums of digital presence. Companies have set up their websites and these are being used to sell goods and services both nationally and globally (Hanzaee, Behbound, & Ardakani, 2011). This brings us to the importance of digital presence for any organization which is: the syndication of information, the increasing returns to scale of network products, ability to cu stomize and personalize market offerings, ability to disinter mediate distribution, global reach, round the clock access and the possibility of instantaneous delivery (Mullins & Walker, 2010). ... Physical presence helps organizations in the delivery of goods and service to the market. Whereas digital presence is seen as important in the twenty first century because of the techno savvy generation, physical presence is still important especially to the local market and to those people who do not have access to the internet (Kurtz, 2008). A few strategic steps must be taken to ensure a company is located at the right place that is safe, friendly and accessible to the target market. The strategic positioning must follow the process of marketing that is concerned with socialization providing the needed activities in order that the customers and the organization get what they want and when they want it to facilitate an effective exchange process (Mullins & Walker, 2010). There are many implications for companies planning to maintain digital presence or physical presence. Digital presence means that a company must invest in technology especially web based technologies and mobile tel ephony platforms that will enable them to reach their customers and their customers to reach them (Simms, 2007). Vats amount of resources may be required in infrastructure in order to reach targeted populations. Financial resources will also be required to facilitate the entire process. The company must also involve itself in the provision of information to its customers informing them of the move to the online platform and these require a lot investment in advertising and promotional content (Simms, 2007). Many companies especially in the 20th century began with the physical presence before venturing onto the online platform. In the 21st century companies do not necessarily have to set up a physical presence before moving to the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Failure of Macroeconomic Policy and Decade Long Stagnation Case Study

Failure of Macroeconomic Policy and Decade Long Stagnation - Case Study Example Since 1990 Japan has experienced over a decade of slow growth in real economic activity. Between 1990 and 2000 per capita output raised at an annual rate of 0.68 percent, per capita investment dropped at the rate of 1.4 percent per annum and weekly hours per adult worker declined by 1.18 percent per annum. This period has come to be referred to as "the lost decade." During the same period the inflation rate, as measured by the growth rate of the GDP deflator, fell from 2.3 percent to -1.8 percent and the nominal interest rate fell from 7.4 percent to 0.1 percent. Japan's current experience of sluggish growth coupled by deflation and zero nominal interest rates raises questions about the role of monetary policy in times of deflation. Should monetary policy take actions to avoid the zero nominal interest rate bound and if so, what policies can avoid it and/or ameliorate its negative ejects? This paper deals with a model that accounts for the real and nominal facts from the 1990s and makes use of this model to answer the two questions posed above. We consider an expensive price adjustment model along the lines of Rotemberg (1996) and expand it to allow for capital accumulation. In this economy, monopolistically competitive firms face convex costs of adjusting prices. Households own the capital stock and are subject to convex costs of adjustment. ... Solving for the equilibrium is complicated by the likelihood of a zero nominal interest rate limitation. An algorithm for computing perfect foresight equilibria is developed in situations where the nominal interest rate is zero over some period of time. The model is then solved and replicated using a parameterization that is standardized to Japanese data. An impulse response analysis is used to answer the first question. We find that the dynamic response of the economy to shocks in technology and government purchases is very di.erent depending on whether the zero nominal interest rate constraint binds. When the constraint is not binding output and investment rise in response to improvements in technology under the interest rate targeting rule we mull over. Nevertheless, when the constraint binds, monetary policy cannot respond and output and investment all drop in response to positive technology shocks. A binding constraint also exacerbates the contractionary e.ects of negative government purchase shocks on these same variables. Overview of the Study First, I will analyze what is extent of stagnation and what are its evidences and proofs from economic conditions of the country. Besides this, what went wrong in demand side Second, I will examine the components of GDP which have been stagnant with reference to relevant theories. Third, I will explore the weaknesses of supply side and its relevant issue will be discussed. Background of the study From the beginning of the 1950s to the early 1970s, the Japanese economy experienced dramatic growth. Several institutional structures sustained this rapid growth. First, the stable

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

ECON Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

ECON - Essay Example The prices are usually categorized according to age where senior members pay more than the young generation while VIP tickets sells more than terraces. The categories have created price discrimination in the market even though the service offered is the same. The industry can be described as a competitive market where entry and exit are free. As more industries make more money, many firms are expected to join the market. But there is less government support as they see no value in the service provision and assumes population growth rate is on the decline. However, it seems all this are based on baseless facts and the reality is that, demand is increasing and so should the supply. Price is majorly determined by the owners and is usually distributed among the population so that they can attract more sales. The market though does experience a lot of competition from other quotas2. This major competitor has been the National Television live streaming that is almost free to the consumers at their door steps. Hence, the less privileged in the society resorts to in house entertainment rather than spend exorbitantly on the grand cinemas. The market is hence denied a lot of revenue reducing their profitability in the industry. Demand and supply are two economic policies that majorly dictate the consumption patterns by the consumers. Data from the governmental surveys shows an increase in population in the near future. The demand would increase as the grand cinemas becomes most satisfactorily. Population census also suggests that the young generations are the majority groups attracted to grand cinemas. The fluctuations are expected to increase the demand adding to the fact that leisure has become a priority to other populace3. Due to the rise in demand and for the market to clear out, supply is expected to increase that will reduce the market equilibrium prices so that the general consumer can gain from the venture. Below is a

Memory of Lizzie Comparitive Essay Essay Example for Free

Memory of Lizzie Comparitive Essay Essay Blue Remembered Hills was originally written for television in 1979 before the writer, Dennis Potter, created a stage version in 1984. Potter based the storyline on his nostalgic views on childhood and the transition from infancy to adulthood. The play is set in the West Country during World War Two, where seven children have been evacuated. The audience gains an insight into a childs life in the 1940s and how the individual and very different characters interact with each other. The play ends tragically with the death of Donald, a child abused by his mother and tormented by the other children. A Memory of Lizzie is based on the famous trial in American history where Lizzie Borden was accused of killing her stepmother and father on the 4th of August, 1892. One of the main factors of the play that makes it so original is that it was written to portray Lizzie Bordens potential character and how she interacted with other people as a child. By creating a younger version of the murderess, the audience can see how this cruel and very much neglected child came to commit such horrific murders. The play is set in an American school playground in the 1870s and focuses on how the children react to Lizzie and vice versa. One of the main similarities between the two plays is that the cast of the play are children, although in Blue Remembered Hills adults act out the roles of the seven children. A theme conveyed through both plays is that of bullying and social rejection. Lizzie is ridiculed by the remainder of the group possibly because the groups jealousy of her familys wealth or perhaps her need for attention as a result of the absence of attention at home from her stepmother. However, Donald is isolated from the group mainly because of his physical appearance. . He is described by Potter to be splay-footed, timid, anaemic-looking boy. Although callously, the children use the fact that he is abused by his mother as another route of inflicting anguish on him. Both of the central characters, Donald and Lizzie, have a very distant relationship with their mothers; or in Lizzies case her stepmother. The children in Blue Remembered Hills speak of Donalds mothers unconventional lifestyle, Our mam says hers a bit of a thing Something to do with the sheets, yet Donald does not once bring her into conversation as he fears her; and becomes reclusive when any one of the children begin to taunt him about her. However, Lizzie is very open about her hatred for her stepmother All stepmoms are evil. Both plays deal with the theme of murder and each of the writers use minor events as a significant premonition of the horrific events that are to occur. Blue Remembered Hills shows the boys murdering an innocent squirrel for the amusement, yet it leads the manslaughter of Donald at the end. A Memory of Lizzie in its entirety is a premonition of what Lizzie will come to perpetrate. The slaughter of Rachels doll at the end of the play shows prominent signs of how this potential to commit such a murder would intensify. There is, however, a significant difference between these two cases of death; the children in Blue Remembered Hills felt remorse for the manslaughter of Donald and were almost in denial that it had even happen, yet Lizzie felt no sense of wrong-doing in the slaughtering of the doll and is portrayed to the audience as though she felt she achieved something from it. However the other characters isolated themselves from her behavior once the realization came upon them of what a twisted thing she was doing. This is very different to Blue Remembered Hills as all the children were to blame for Donalds death as they all were a part of the joke. The lifestyles of the children in the plays are very diverse. The children of Blue Remembered Hills are living at the time of the war; so the preponderance of the childrens games and talk revolved around the fear and excitement of the war. They also use the concept of war as a basis of their entertainment, particularly when the klaxon sounds and instead of returning home, they decide to hide in case the prisoner of war they created in their imaginations comes looking for English blood The children also take on the mannerisms of their parents, particularly when they are playing house in the Barn and Angela is imitating her mother. On the other hand, Lizzie Borden appears to be of a higher class than the other children because of her familys wealth, Just cos shes a Borden thinks she owns the whole place. Lizzie uses her wealth as a way of gaining power and often trys to control the other children. The other characters feel particularly degraded and insulted by this, Just like we was your servants or something

Monday, October 14, 2019

Lean or Agile Principles in Ryanair’s Operations

Lean or Agile Principles in Ryanair’s Operations This section of the report analyses to what extent lean or agile principles in Ryanairs operations have been applied, adhered to and how these principles have contributed to the companys successful performance. Lean Operations According to Womack and Jones (2003), a company serves its customers for a certain purpose and fulfils a specific customer need. This is achieved through single processes which are in turn carried out by people the companys employees. The idea of lean operations derives from the notion that all these individual processes within a companys operations need to create value for the customer. If, however, a single process cannot be identified to add additional value, then, under a lean operations principle, this process can be considered as wasteful and should be cut out of operations. (Sutherland and Bennett, 2008; Womack and Jones, 2003) Since a lean operations process aims to remove unnecessary and no value-adding activities, it has been argued by Aitken, Christopher and Towill (2002) that the lean operations principle might be more suitable for products and services with rather constant demand and a low degree in variation. Mason-Jones, Naylor and Towill (2000) go even one step further and argue that the lean principle should primarily be applied for commodity products or services. Ryanair and the Lean Operations Principle With the above definitions in mind, a clear line to Ryanairs operations can be drawn.The company has shaped the European air-travel market and has largely contributed to the fact that air travel has been viewed more as a commodity service in recent years. Especially at Ryanair, air travel is viewed as a means of transportation, bringing their customers from point A to point B without any additional service offerings almost purely a commodity service. (Strategic Direction, 2004) With its low-cost model and its definition of air travel as a commodity service in mind, Ryanair has deliberately been striving to remove all activities from their operations which do not add customer value in the light of this definition; such activities have been described as wasteful by Sutherland and Bennett (2008) and have been grouped into seven distinct categories. Based upon these different categories, an analysis of Ryanairs lean operations model follows: In terms of Ryanairs business model, overproduction can be seen as any additional service offerings other than pure transportation. Ryanair succeeded in making its customers only demand for the pure transportation service from the company. It rigorously cuts out passenger service; food, drinks as well as baggage serviceare only available at extra cost while multi-class airplanes and inflight entertainment have been eliminated completely. (Strategic Direction 2004; Strategic Direction, 2006) Delay/Waitingis time that is lost between two activities that do add value (Sutherland and Bennett, 2008). In order to remove waste resulting from waiting, Ryanair tries to keep an airplanes time on ground, that is its turnaround time, as short as possible. This is achieved by exclusively serving smaller, secondary airports with lower traffic. In addition, minimal catering activities need to be performed and baggage handling is simplified because there is no through checking to other flights. (McCormick, 2010; Strategic Direction, 2006) Transportation/Conveyanceactivities can be sustained valuable by applying point-to-point operations in contrast to hub and spoke operations applied by many large national carriers. This system reinforces Ryanairs commitment to bring its passengers from A to B and not to intervene in their possible onward journeys. (McCormick, 2010; Strategic Direction, 2004) Motionat Ryanair can be seen as unnecessary steps in the middle of an operating process; the company removed such a step by means of disintermediation in its ticket-selling process. At the beginning, flights were sold over the phone whiletoday the company almost exclusively sells its flights through its homepage, hence avoiding the involvement oftravel agencies completely. (McCormick, 2010; Strategic Direction, 2004) Inventories are greatly reduced and more easily controlled by only using one aircraft type, the Boeing 737-800. Through such fleet standardisation, spare parts for maintenance can be acquired in bulk and used throughout the entire fleet (Strategic Direction, 2004). Furthermore, staff utilisation can be increased since all employees are able to operate on the entire fleet, increasing flexibility in operations.(Human Resource Management International Digest, 2007; McCormick, 2010) Ryanair reduces wasted space by using its capacity on each flight efficiently. By selling seats for different prices, varying according to season, time of the day and time of booking the company strives to minimise the number of lost capacity in terms of empty seats (Human Resource Management International Digest, 2007). Furthermore, at the airport, Ryanairs check-in areas are reduced to a minimum since a large part of check-in can be performed over the internet by the customer. Despite their late popularity, self-service check-in machines are not used by Ryanair since they consume additional space and represent one additional unnecessary step in the companys operations. (McCormick, 2010) Finally, the concept of reducingerrors in Ryanairs operations can be interpreted in two ways. Firstly, employee utilisation in the company is very high. Employees are responsible for carrying out a variety of different tasks; flight attendants not only sell refreshments on board, they are also required to assist in the cleaning and baggage handling process when necessary. This allows the company for more control over a variety of processes because employee involvement is higher. (McCormick, 2010) Secondly, processes that are not core to the company are outsourced and performed by specialists like check-in or baggage handling services. Using their expertise reduces the risk of errors and keeps the number of employees within the company low. (McCormick, 2010 This analysis shows that Ryanair clearly puts a lean operations strategy at the heart of its processes, resulting in doing more with less (Aitken, Christopher and Towill, 2002, p.61) to achieve its goal for customers. A Limitation to the Lean Approach As the preceding discussion shows, Ryanair has succeeded in converting their service offer to a commodity applying a lean approach and exploiting its benefits. However, it has been argued by Polito and Watson (2006) that a lean approach might get to its limits as soon as customer demand is increasing since not enough resources are available in order to meet changing demand. In the case of Ryanair a standardised fleet might represent such a limit. If demand on a certain route increases sharply, Ryanair might find it difficult to react instantly with increased capacity; as larger aircrafts are not available, a simple aircraft change for a given flight in order to increase capacity is not possible. Instead, an additional flight on the given route might be considered which involves negotiating extra landing rights (Johnson, Scholes and Whittington, 2005). Agility and Ryanair A Conclusion The previous example shows that Ryanair, with its high degree of leanness in process operations, might find it difficult to react to sudden, unforeseen changes in the environment instantly; such reactions require a company to be agile and have certain resources at hand that can be considered wasteful in a lean approach (Mason-Jones, Naylor and Towill, 2000). Agility is associated with higher flexibility and responsiveness to market changes (Aitken, Christopher and Towill, 2002) but as long as Ryanair is able to defend its concept of selling its service as a commodity, where flying is solely about transportation and highly valued by its customers, there might be no need for the company to incorporate aspects of agility into its lean operations processes.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Essays --

Education is very important for human life. It becomes main necessity for human beings. Almost all aspects of life are influenced by education. A human is introduced to education started from born, and it keeps going on until the death. If a human has a good basic education, it will be easy for the next development. Human will be easily accept and adapt their self with new education which more advanced. They can accept values in social life, school, family, and environment. Moreover, of course they will be smart and be respectful human. Sometimes, education is regarded as a sign whether a human is in high class or not. It influences a lot of areas in human life, for example; in the world of work, in getting money, in communicating with others, and in adapting human in this more modern era and advanced technology. First, education influences the world of work. Human are demanded to have skill in its sector. Usually a company conduct interview before recruiting employee. In recruitment process, there are some questions that related to level of education background. Having good quality in education will help a human to get wanted job and of course with balance income. A human who has high level education will get good job easier than a human who has not good education. Moreover, to get a job is very difficult. It shows that education has important role in the world of work. Secondly, education helps human in getting money. Educated human are more useful and easier in getting money because they have something that can be sold. Just by using the skill, they can get money. Furthermore, they do not need to work powerfully because they work use their brain. It is different with an uneducated human. Uneducated human usually work by using ... ...ality of education because that is very helpful in increasing human’s quality. Therefore, education is very important in the survival of a human because it affects many aspects of life. It can be gotten from formal institute and informal institute. However, many human prefer to choose formal education. Usually it is started from elementary school until university. It has big role in forming good personality, such as; responsibility, honesty, and attitude. Responsibility is important thing that must be belonged to every human. Then, honesty comes from the heart. The price of it is very expensive and it cannot be changed by everything. Next is about attitude, it relates to human’s behavior. Attitude cannot be kept hiding because it comes out spontaneously. Human do not need to be worried if they have good habit in behavior, because a good habit shows a good attitude.

Friday, October 11, 2019

How to be a New York Police Officer? Essay

A State with low crime rate and has deliberately peaceful community shows the effectiveness of the law and policies that the State has provided. Police department together with other related agencies is the prime partner of the government in maintaining the peace and order in the communities. With the proper and legal implementation of the state policies, people will not be worried of any threats or crime hat might harm them. The New York Police Department (NYPD) is currently the largest in population amounting to about 37,838 in January 2007. The core responsibility lies in enforcing the law and investigation of the crimes committed within the five areas of New York City. Being the largest police department in the US, it has specialized into broad divisions which include, the tactical operations, harbor patrol, intelligence, counter-terrorism, bomb disposal, and narcotics. Public transportation and public housing are also part of the responsibility of the department. According to a various statistics, police force is apparently decreasing. In June 2005, the number of sworn officers dropped to 35,000 from 40,000 in June 2004. In an interview to a New York police officer upon taking his opinion of reasons why there is decreasing number of sworn officers in the last 5 years, he certainly said that this may be due to the salary of a police officer which is only amounting to about $35,000 to $40,000 per annum. This salary is hardly to support the needs of the family and this amount is much lesser compared to other neighboring police department. As a tactical operation officer, he deliberately said that giving his life for the community is what he wants but with what is going on with the administrative part of the department, he considered shifting to other departments like the Port Authority Police which gives more salary for their officers. Reference â€Å"Careers. † New York Police Department. Retrieved April 4, 2009 @ http://www. nyc. gov/html/nypd/html/careers/cadet_corps. shtml

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Paper Publishing Versus Electronic Publishing

Our world evolves in a very fast manner: from our household to outside jobs to recreation. All works concerned time efficiency and how works are to be done in the fastest way we can but not restraining the good quality of the product. All information, literary works and other works concerning anything under the sun relevant to mankind must be accounted for. Upon considering all information, literary works, and other works, it should be known to public by disseminating it. Publishing is the best way to communicate and disseminate information and works to the people. Traditionally, paper publishing do all the works when it comes to publication may it be news, literary works, musical works, and others. At present, the use of paper media in publishing is still enormous. However, considering the vastness of cost in using paper as a medium in publishing, then alternatives should be considered. Electronic publishing is the best alternative the web can give which has its appealing qualities and products. The evidence of its appealing features and products relies on the availability of the topic to be found. Electronic publishing make sure that their products and works are easy to access by its consumers thus providing them a lesser time in finding any information. Electronic publishing also has a wide range of links for a specific topic. Through the use of the web more information are readily access linking a particular topic to a more specific one. This makes the consumers or readers lessen the wasted time and have that excess time be useful in other activities. Due to the reasons discussed, it is evident that newspaper and book publishers convert their primary product into electronic publishing. Time, quality and reliability must coincide in choosing what to patronize when it regards to the news, literary works and other related works. The fastest the reliable information is to be disseminated the more consumers will trust and the better our world will be. References: Lawrence. retrieved July 25, 2007 Â   Â  

How the Bursting of the U.S. Housing Bubble Triggered

The banking and financial market meltdown of 2007-2009 resulted in the downfall of large financial institutions, bailouts for banks by national governments, and global declines in stock markets. A suffering housing market also contributed to the economic recession. While there were many factors that triggered the global market meltdown, this paper will focus on the factors that created the U. S. housing bubble and how the bursting of the U. S. housing bubble sparked the recession. Home ownership is part of the â€Å"American Dream,† but because homes can be expensive, most people need to borrow money to buy them.In the early 2000s, mortgage rates were low, which allowed people to borrow more money with lower monthly payments. According to Katalina M. Bianco, author of â€Å"The Subprime Lending Crisis: Causes and Effects of the Mortgage Meltdown† the U. S. ownership rate increased from 64% in 1994 to 69. 2% in 2004; this demand helped fuel the rise of housing prices (Bi anco, 2008). Because home prices were increasing, many homeowners decided to refinance and take second mortgages to cash out of their homes’ equity.According to Merrill Goozner of The Fiscal Times, a simple explanation for what caused the Great Recession is people had too much debt; during the housing bubble, too many homeowners used their inflated home equity like â€Å"piggybanks† to support their spending (Goozner, 2012). Banks also contributed to the creation of the U. S housing bubble by offering easy access to money. Many borrowers got into high risk mortgages and numerous people with bad credit could qualify as subprime borrowers.According to Bianco, subprime borrowing was a key factor in the increase in home ownership rates during the housing bubble (Bianco, 2008). Some experts suggest mortgage standards relaxed during this period because each link in the â€Å"mortgage chain† believed it was passing on the risk to someone else (Bianco, 2008). Most banks do not keep mortgages on their books; instead, they sell these loans to investors. Before the crisis, many people, businesses, and governments chose to invest in mortgage linked investments because of the low interest rates.After the dot-com bubble crash in 2000, the Federal Reserve Board cut short-term interest rates from about 6. 5% to 1% (Bianco, 2008). Since banks and mortgage brokers could sell loans before they went bad, loan quality deteriorated. Mortgage denial rates reported under the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act dropped from 29% in 1998 to 14% in 2002 and 2003 (Bianco, 2008). When home prices stopped increasing and interest rates rose, monthly payments increased due to adjustable rate mortgages. This marked the end of the housing bubble.Many borrowers could no longer afford their mortgages, and defaulted on their loans. The U. S. foreclosure epidemic eroded the financial strength of banking institutions. Losses on other types of loans started to increase as the crisis ext ended beyond the housing market. Banks and investors began losing money, and to decrease their exposure risk, reduced lending to each other. As a result of the slowing lending, hundreds of banks and high-profile institutions failed. Just as a number of factors caused the mortgage crisis, a number of different factors caused the global recession.The bursting of the U. S. housing bubble was not the only cause of the banking and financial meltdown of 2007-2009, but it was the immediate trigger of the economic crisis. Word Count 550 ? Works Cited Bianco, K. M. (2008, April 8). business. cch. com. Retrieved from http://business. cch. com/bankingfinance/focus/news/Subprime_WP_rev. pdf Goozner, M. (2012, March 16). Real recovery: America’s debt is on the decline. The Fiscal Times. Retrieved from http://www. thefiscaltimes. com/Articles/2012/03/16/Real-Recovery-Americas-Debt-is-on-the-Decline. aspx